
Salwa The Writer
2 min readJul 15, 2021

A question popped into my head a few days ago, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Not so much about what the answer is, but the fact that no one has ever asked this question before - or at least, so it seems, because there is no answer, and no one ever even talks about it. And I’m appalled that even I never thought about this until now!! So here’s my question: Why do we have toes? What are they good for?

What do they do? Are we supposed to use them a bit like our fingers, to pick up stuff from the floor? Are they a left-over remnant of when we were monkeys swinging from tree to tree? If they’re left over from our monkey days, why do we still have them; why didn’t they evolve out like our tails evolved out and we no longer have tails? What the hell are those 10 little peninsulas doing at the end of my foot?

I looked for an answer online but couldn’t find one that seems plausible. They all say toes are for balance. Well that’s just a load of hogwash! I’m sure if we need that “toe-space” for balance, our balance would be just as well served without toes if the toe area were joined together, making our feet bigger. I mean, if I glued my toes together, would I lose balance when walking or running? I doubt it, as my feet would fit in the same shoe, which doesn’t accommodate each single toe separately. So no, our toes are not there for balance. So why are they there?

Answer, anyone?


